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Metal Hardware Nailers
Metal Hardware Nailers
Excellent tools for metal framing hardware, joist hangers, wall bracing and strap ties.
- Free ShippingPromotion AvailableMetabo HPT NR3665DA 36V MultiVolt Cordless Metal Connector Nailer, 1-1/2" to 2-1/2"SKU#: NR3665DAMBox Count: 1$449.00Qty:
- Free ShippingMetabo HPT NR65AK2M Metal Hardware Nailer, 1-1/2" to 2-1/2"SKU#: NR65AK2MBox Count: 1$339.00Qty:
- Free ShippingMetabo HPT NR65AK2SM Strap-Tite Metal Hardware Nailer, 1-1/2" to 2-1/2"SKU#: NR65AK2SMBox Count: 1$329.00Qty: