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Framing Nails - SL Series 20 Degree Round Head Paper Strip

Framing Nails - SL Series 20 Degree Round Head Paper Strip
The 20-degree SL series round head paper strip nails are excellent for framing, sheathing, decking, sub-flooring, and much more. For use in Duo-Fast Cordless Framing Nailer, CN-350B, NSP-350F1, DF350S, Hitachi NR83A2, NR83A2S, NR83A5, NR83A3(S), NR90AE, NR90AE(S1), NR90AC3, Senco FramePro 502XP, 602, 702XP, 752XP, SN902XP, GT90FRH, MAX SN883RH, SN883RH2, SN883RH3, Stanley Bostitch F21PL, F21PL2, and others.