Prevent Burnout By Oiling An Air Nailer Or Stapler

Considering how much they can cost, and how hard they work, air tools are really an investment. That’s why oiling an air nailer (or stapler) is so important. It ensures a return on your investment--and that wearable parts, like O-rings, aren't prematurely fried. It's also super easy to do.
We've tackled a few "burning questions" about oiling an air nailer or stapler to keep them running for years to come.
How often should I oil my tool?
Daily. And if you’re working on an extended project, oil the tool before you start working and again mid-way through the day (after a lunch break, for instance). If the nailer's sat unused for a while, you definitely want to oil it before using it again.
What kind of oil should I use?
Only use lubricating oil made specifically for pneumatic tools, such as Senco Pneumatic Tool Oil or Paslode Lubricating Oil. Other oils lack the correct viscosity or contain ingredients that can destroy the seals, disintegrate O-rings, or may even cause combustion. Keep the WD40, compressor oil, motor oil, transmission fluid, etc. out of your air tools.
Also, if you’re working in below-freezing conditions, you'll need a tool oil that's formulated for temperatures below 32 degrees Fahrenheit and contains anti-freeze. Try Paslode Cold Weather Tool Oil.
How much oil do I need?
All you need is 5-10 drops of oil. Drop the oil into the air inlet, the nozzle where your air hose attaches to the tool.
What happens if I don’t use tool oil?
The O-rings in the tool will dry up, causing the tool to malfunction. It will also cause unnecessary wear on its components, and potentially cause corrosion. To learn more about maintaining your nail gun, read our post on How to Avoid Destroying Your Pneumatic Nailer.
Pro Tips:
- Make sure the air tool is OFF before adding oil.
- Do not oil the tool's magazine, as this attracts dust and dirt. You definitely don’t want any debris stuck in the magazine, which can cause fastener jams.
- Drain the air compressor at the end of each day. This keeps condensation from building up in the compressor, entering the tool, and then corroding it.
Have questions? Just contact NGD's knowledgeable customer service.
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